class PHPTAL

  1. Configuration methods
    1. setOutputMode( mode)
    2. setEncoding( encoding)
    3. Other methods
  2. execute() method
  3. echoExecute() method
  4. addPreFilter() method

This is the main library class for you to use.

The most common method of use:


// instantiate a new PhpTal\PHPTAL object using specified template file
$tpl = new PhpTal\PHPTAL('mytemplate.xhtml');

// setting some template context variables
$tpl->title  = 'my title';
$tpl->values = array(1,2,3,4);
$tpl->user   = new User('Joe');

// execute the template and echo the result in a 'secure' way
try {
    echo $tpl->execute();
catch (Exception $e){
    echo "Exception thrown while processing template\n";
    echo $e;


You can perfectly well choose to specify the template source after setting context variables.

$tpl = new PhpTal\PHPTAL();

// it is a matter of taste but you can use the set() method instead of
// setting context using PHPTAL::__set() like above
$tpl->set('title', 'my title');
$tpl->set('values', array(1,2,3,4));
$tpl->set('user', new User('Joe'));



You can also decide to use a generated string as the template source instead of using an existing template file:


$src = <<<EOS
<html><head><title tal:content="title">my title</title></head><body><h1 tal:content="title">my title</h1></body></html>

$tpl = new PhpTal\PHPTAL();
$tpl->title = 'this is my title';
try {
    echo $tpl->execute();
catch (Exception $e){
    echo $e;



In the above example, because PHPTAL requires a template source identifier (usually the template file realpath), PHPTAL will use the md5 of the $src parameter as a unique identifier. You may decide to force the identifier using a second setSource() argument:

$src = <<<EOS
<html><head><title tal:content="title">my title</title></head><body><h1 tal:content="title">my title</h1></body></html>

$tpl = new PhpTal\PHPTAL();

// If you specify where the source comes from (second argument to setSource),
// PHPTAL will be able to generate more helpful error messages.
$tpl->setSource($src, __FILE__);
$tpl->title = 'this is my title';
try {
    echo $tpl->execute();
catch (Exception $e){
    echo $e;
